Repair the Trans Canada Trail

Will you help to clean up damage from winter’s devastating toll?
Extreme weather this winter took an extreme toll on the Trans Canada Trail. Many Trail sections are in need of urgent repairs and maintenance.
With your help today, we can ensure the Trail remains safe and accessible for everyone who uses it.
PLUS: YOU can have TWICE the impact when you give before May 19 – thanks to our anonymous matching gift donor!
The Trans Canada Trail is an essential part of our day-to-day lives – whether taking your kids to school, jogging, wheeling, biking with your family or walking your dog.
And that means we all need to play a part in looking after our national trail. Stretching from the Pacific to the Atlantic and the Arctic oceans, along 28,000 km – the Trans Canada Trail is the longest trail network in the world. Please give today!
Your gift goes 2x as far
Help keep the Trail safe and accessible
The Trans Canada Trail stretches 28,000 km, from the Atlantic to the Pacific to the Arctic oceans. It is the world’s longest network of trails, and a unique legacy for all to enjoy.
Your gift will:
- Fund emergency repairs and help fortify the Trail against winter storms
- Make the Trail safer and more accessible for people
- Enhance the health and well-being of people – and the planet – by developing more active transportation routes.
Give today to make sure the Trail is safe and accessible this Spring
Donate now

Give today to make sure the Trail is safe and accessible this Spring