19 June, 2024

Marking National Indigenous Peoples Day

The month of June is National Indigenous History Month, which marks the time of year when Indigenous communities have held celebrations and gatherings for generations, on or around the summer solstice. 

National Indigenous Peoples Day, June 21, is a day for people to reflect and celebrate the unique heritage, traditions and knowledge of First Nation, Inuit and Métis Peoples from coast to coast to coast. The contributions of Indigenous people to the land and history along the Trans Canada Trail and beyond are profound and unquantifiable.  

Below is a list of resources and events to learn more about National Indigenous History Month and National Indigenous Peoples Day, and to find an event near you. 

We acknowledge that the Trans Canada Trail is situated on the traditional territory of First Nation, Inuit and Métis Peoples, and that sections of the Trans Canada Trail include land and water routes that were created and used, both historically and presently, by Indigenous peoples as seasonal travel and trade routes. We support community efforts to sustain a relationship with Indigenous peoples based on respect, dignity, trust and cooperation. 

Selected events and resources 

Find more events in your community on this interactive map. 

Learn more about our commitment to Indigenous reconcilation.