Trans Canada Trail


Getting outside is
good for your inside!

Winter doesn’t have to be blah it can be your season to shine! The Trans Canada Trail is where crisp air, snowy trails and outdoor fun come together to lift your mood, energize your body and make you fall in love with winter again. This winter, make the most of every snowy day. Get outside, find your “ahhh” moments, and show the world how you’re turning #Blahs2Ahhhs. 

Feeling blah? Need some inspiration?

Need some inspiration?

Try our #Blahs2Ahhhs25 Generator! 

It’s our fun, interactive tool to spark ideas for your next “ahhh” moment in the great outdoors. 

Don’t forget to share your ahhh moments on social with #Blahs2Ahhhs25

Get inspired.
Watch now!

Trans Canada Trail’s Blahs to Ahhhs winter wellness campaign is generously supported by TD Bank Group through the Bank’s Corporate Citizenship platform, the TD Ready Commitment.

And support from


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Tell Your Trail logo




The Great Canadian Sox Co. logo