5 May, 2010

He’s walking across Canada on the Trans Canada Trail

Dana en route to Granby, Quebec

On Friday April 30, Prince George forester Dana Meise reached Montreal, an important milestone on his epic walk across Canada. The 36-year-old adventurer is hiking from the Atlantic to the Pacific on the Trans Canada Trail. To date, he has walked close to 4500 km.

Meise began his expedition in May 2008 at Cape Spear, Newfoundland, the Atlantic terminus of the Trans Canada Trail.  Over two summers, he walked across four Atlantic Provinces and part of Quebec. He started this year’s walk in Granby, Quebec at the spot he left off last fall.  He hopes to reach the Prairies by late fall.

Since Meise was a small boy, he has always wanted to explore.  “I read stories about the great Canadian explorers like David Thompson and Alexander Mackenzie. I always dreamed of undertaking a unique and inspiring journey,” says Meise.

Meise has endless stories to tell about the remarkable places he has discovered on the Trans Canada Trail as well as the inspiring people he has met (from the Anne of Green Gables’ cast to the Rt. Hon. Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada).

Meise is a natural story-teller and has entertained many with hilarious tales about his journey. He likes to visit elementary schools to tell children about his hike and teach them about goal-setting, believing in themselves, following dreams and never giving up.

Follow Dana’s journey on the web (The Great Hike) and on Facebook (Support the Great Hike).