9 October, 2020

Trans Canada Trail Salutes Manitoba Government for $7 M Investment in Trails

Trans Canada Trail (TCT) welcomed the news today that the Government of Manitoba has committed to investing $7 million in trails.

Eleanor McMahon, President & CEO of TCT, expressed gratitude to the Government of Manitoba for their commitment and their support of trails in Manitoba work, and Trails Manitoba for their continued development and maintenance of a provincial trail network. She also thanked TCT’s trail partners, volunteers and donors.

“As a steward of The Great Trail of Canada and a national funding organization, we are delighted by the news that the Government of Manitoba is reaffirming its support for trails,” said Ms. McMahon. “This commitment provides financial support and matching opportunities for groups that operate sections of the Trail across the province, while helping to ensure the long-term sustainability of trails in Manitoba and allowing future generations of Manitobans to enjoy everything this incredible trail network has to offer.”

“While we learn to cope with the continued implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, trails offer all of us a chance to stay active, seek mental respite in nature and socially connect while remaining physically distant,” Ms. McMahon added. “Trails are also a vehicle for Manitoba’s post-pandemic recovery by supporting economic development through tourism, local job creation through infrastructure development, and a reduction in carbon emissions by giving Manitobans more opportunities to choose active transportation over motorized travel.”
Over the past several years, TCT has provided financial support to several trail projects in Manitoba, and will continue to do so.

“We are also thankful for our partnership with Trails Manitoba, which has resulted in the development of trails across the province, which, in turn, enhances the quality of life of everyone in Manitoba. Together, we have been successful in advancing our work with government, laying the groundwork for this continued investment,” Ms. McMahon commented.

TCT will continue to work closely with Trails Manitoba to advocate for trail development in the province, to empower our dedicated local Trail groups, and to encourage communities to use the Trail as a conduit to active lifestyles and sustainable transportation.