11 August, 2011

Trans Canada Trail welcomes Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park

We are delighted to inform you that the newly opened Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park in Alberta has received Trans Canada Trail designation. This park offers breathtaking landscapes and fascinating historical features that we are proud to now count as part of our network. (Press release is available here.)

The Trans Canada Trail in Alberta, once complete, will be 2960 kilometres in length, connecting to Saskatchewan, British Columbia and the Northwest Territories. Currently 1700 kilometres of land and water trails throughout the province are operational and open to the public, making Alberta more then 57% complete. The Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park is a key and dramatic piece of the Trans Canada Trail that will greatly contribute to our dream of connecting all Canadians by 2017.

We would like to thank the Alberta TrailNet Board and Linda Strong-Watson for their support and commitment in making this happen.