Van Truong

Van Truong

Coordinator, Annual Giving

Data is the fuel that powers decision-making and daily processes for organizations – and Van Truong is a master of data. She brings deep knowledge of digital platforms to her role as Coordinator, Annual Giving, supporting the Trans Canada Trail fundraising team with the information they need to make evidence-based decisions and set strategy for campaigns. Colleagues value her ability to not only track and analyze data, but to also build visual dashboards that make data more accessible and understandable for decision-makers. She also coordinates, implements and executes annual programs, and fundraising and donor development activities. Van is passionate about making positive change in the world through her actions and she has channeled that commitment into a career focused on the non-profit sector.

Fluently bilingual (English and Vietnamese), Van is originally from Vietnam and has travelled to 12 countries around the globe. She holds a degree in English from the Hanoi University of Science and Technology in Hanoi, Vietnam; and a master’s degree in Governance, Development and Public Policy from the University of Sussex, in the U.K. She lives in Edmonton and loves to walk with her family on the River Valley Trail section of the Trans Canada Trail, which winds through city neighbourhoods, parks and forests as it meanders along the beautiful Saskatchewan River Valley.