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Margaret Mofford

Executive Coordinator, Office of the President & CEO

Ask anyone at Trans Canada Trail who the keeper of our organizational memory is, and you’ll hear the same answer every time: Margaret Mofford. Margaret has been part of the team since 1998, providing expert support for Trans Canada Trail’s leadership, including its two boards of directors, as well as other departments. Fluent in English, French and Spanish, she holds a Bachelor of Education degree from McGill University, and a TESL certificate from Concordia University. She believes in the power of education to create lasting change in the world: one of her favourite quotes is from Senegalese forest engineer Baba Dioum, “In the end, we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand, and we will understand only what we are taught.”

Margaret lives near and enjoys the Lachine Canal National Historic Site section of the Trans Canada Trail. Here, the Trail runs between the Old Port of Montreal and Lake Saint-Louis, offering green, urban spaces and a range of attractions, including centuries-old buildings, bustling markets and superb parks for both tourists and locals.