Trail Care Event: Fredericton Trails

Date: June 3, 2023

City of Fredericton holds annual Parks & Trails Day

The city of Fredericton supporters cutting a ribbon at the trail
On June 3, 2023, the City of Fredericton went all out on their annual Parks & Trails Day, to encourage people to spend time outside and enjoy local trails. The city’s total trail network spans 120 kilometres: The City of Fredericton Valley and South Riverfront Trails, the City of Fredericton North Side Trail, and the Bill Thorpe Walking Bridge.

Cold weather, warm vibes on the Trans Canada Trail

Despite the single-digit temperatures, several hundred trail users braved the drizzle to celebrate International Trails Day! The day got off to an active start, with the Fredericton 5K Park Run starting at the north end of the Bill Thorpe Walking Bridge.

At 10 a.m., the event was officially opened by Fredericton Mayor Kate Rodgers, who also spoke at the event in Speaker’s Corner along with other invited guests.

Activities aplenty on Fredericton Trails

Trail users looki

Several children’s activities could be found on site, thanks to the Beaverbrook Art Gallery, the Multicultural Association of Fredericton, the Ducks Unlimited Interpretative Centre and the Northside Rotary. The event also included two e-bike information booths courtesy of Jim Gilbert’s Wheels and Deals and Drive Electric Atlantic, promoting alternative transportation options.

Walk & Roll, two tasty barbecues, Trail Patrollers and more

Another element to the day was a Walk & Roll event, hosted by the Premier’s Council on Disabilities. In addition, two barbecues were offered by the Nashwaaksis Lions Club and the Crowne Plaza-Beaverbrook, and several other information booths were on site.

The new Fredericton Trail Security Patrol had two patrolling officers present on their e-bikes for the event. In addition, the Trails Coalition and City Recreation tables collectively gave out over 100 free bike bells to young riders, joggers and older walkers to allow them to alert pedestrians as they passed by on their trail outings.


Thank you to Trail Care supporters!

Generous Trail Care sponsors CLIF Bar and Columbia Sportswear provided snacks and T-shirts, respectively, to volunteers. Brenden Blotnicky from Trans Canada Trail was present and spoke at the event. Trail Care events were also supported by Hydro One and Athletic Brewing Co.

Stephen Marr, Vice President of Fredericton Trails Coalition, says, “Weather aside, thank you to the 28 registered event participants and 32 volunteers. Also, a big thank you to our generous event sponsors: Trans Canada Trail and Columbia Sportswear, Canadian Tire, Atlantic Superstore, Crowne Plaza, Bella Foods, Nashwaaksis Lions Club, Picaroons Roundhouse, Rewind 93.1 and Costco. And lastly, to all you (hundreds) trail users who ventured out on a questionable morning, to celebrate our Fredericton Trails event, thank you! You ALL made this a successful event celebrating our trails and green spaces, promoting an active and healthy lifestyle on our Fredericton Trails.”

Representing trails in the heart of Fredericton thanks to Trail Care

Fredericton Trails run through the city, and are used by walkers, hikers, and morning commuters daily. With help from the Trail Care Grant, Fredericton Trails is able to amplify the voices of trail users. Stephen says, “Thanks to the Trail Care Grant, Fredericton Trails can be the voice of trail users in discussions with the City of Fredericton to promote and educate safe trail use by engaging more volunteers, trail users and user groups.”

Art on the Bill Thorpe Walking Bridge

Due to the nature of artwork, and the less-than-favourable weather conditions on Parks & Trails Day, this event was moved to the following Sunday. It was a warm and sunny midday Trail exhibition which turned out to be perfect for the 40+ local artists, and their creative works, who populated the 600-metre Bill Thorpe Walking Bridge.


Stephen Marr, Vice President of the Fredericton Trails Coalition, has been with the organization for seven years, advocating along with other dedicated volunteers and their Board of Directors for a safe and inclusive greenway system for the people of Fredericton on their 120 kilometres of trails.