22 October, 2007

Alberta invests in Trail, Tourism, & Quality of life

October 15, 2007

World’s longest trail a step closer to completion in Alberta

A $1.2-million investment from the Alberta government will support efforts towards completing the province’s 2,200-kilometre portion of the Trans Canada Trail.

“The Trans Canada Trail is a key component of our provincial trail network,” said Hector Goudreau, Minister of Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture. “It draws important tourism dollars to communities across Alberta, and gives Albertans a great way to stay active while enjoying our province’s natural beauty.”

The Alberta TrailNet Society will administer the grant, which is provided through the Alberta Lottery Fund. This funding will be used for trail planning, design and construction as TrailNet continues to work with local stakeholders to expand on the 60 per cent of the Alberta portion already open.

As Alberta’s provincial trail council, TrailNet is responsible for promoting development and responsible use of the provincial trail network in the interests of a broad range of user groups. It also implements the Alberta portion of the Trans Canada Trail.

“This new funding provides critical support to our local and community partners who are working hard to build the Trans Canada Trail,” said Peter Barr, President of the Alberta TrailNet Society. “It will enhance the efforts of dedicated volunteers, as well as help fully maximize donor contributions to make the Trans Canada Trail through our province a reality.”

Alberta is a hub for the Trans Canada Trail with the east-west land route, the north-south Arctic land route, and the Arctic water route meeting in the province. The 2,200 kilometres of trail showcase local sites of interest and the diversity of recreational, historic, natural and cultural opportunities across the province. More information on the Alberta portion of the Trans Canada Trail is available at www.albertatrailnet.com.

TrailNet and its national, provincial and territorial partners hope to complete the Trans Canada Trail by 2010. Once complete, the trail will be an 18,000-kilometre recreational corridor that winds its way through every province and territory, linking over 800 communities along its route – the longest trail of its kind in the world. More information on the Trans Canada Trail is available at www.tctrail.ca.

Supporting Alberta’s trail network is part of Premier Ed Stelmach’s plan to improve Albertans’ quality of life. Other priorities for the government are to govern with integrity and transparency, build a stronger Alberta, manage growth pressures and provide safe and secure communities.


Media enquiries may be directed to:

Chris Bourdeau
Alberta Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture
Linda Strong-Watson
Executive Director
Alberta TrailNet Society

To call toll free within Alberta dial 310-0000.