21 December, 2021

Ask your Member of Parliament to Support TCT in the Upcoming Budget

In advance of the March 2022 Federal Budget, Trans Canada Trail is calling on our supporters to contact their MPs and ask them to support the renewal of the Trail’s current annual federal funding, which is set to end in March.

While Trans Canada Trail receives funding from generous supporters like you, the majority of our funding comes from the federal government. This annual support funds local infrastructure and helps local trail groups to assist us in maintaining and stewarding Canada’s national trail.

Without this funding our organization’s work to continue building and enhancing the Trail, and our support of local trail groups, would not be possible.

As Budget preparation is under way, now is the perfect time for you to share your support for the Trail with your Member of Parliament so they can understand its importance to you and your community – and to advocate for the renewal of its funding.

Why advocate to protect the Trans Canada Trail?

Since April 2018, with funding from the federal government, Trans Canada Trail has invested over $16.4 million toward 417 Trail projects across every province and territory.

Eighty per cent of Canadians live within thirty minutes of the Trail, making it a national resource for enhancing the mental and physical health of Canadians and our communities, and for conserving the environment, preserving greenspace and protecting habitats for local wildlife.

Since the onset of the pandemic, trail use across Canada is up close to 50% according to national surveys commissioned by TCT in November 2020, with 95% of respondents telling us that enhanced mental wellness prompted their increased use.

Our June 2020 survey confirmed that 75% of respondents use trails on a regular basis.

We know that trails enhance our economy and are a vital tourism attraction that connects visitors to local businesses. Trails enrich our understanding of Canada’s history, and in particular our understanding of the importance of relationships with Indigenous communities.

You can find more information on how we are making a difference here.

We’re making it easy to help. Here are some ways you can:

  1. Email your MP using our handy resource or refer to the template email here.
  1. Share your support on social media. You can view the template social media posts for sharing here.
  1. Call your MP and tell them to act. Unsure who your MP is? Find your riding and connect with your MP at Elections Canada here.