16 May, 2012

Cycle Trans Canada: Toronto youths on a 3,000 km journey to raise funds for the Trail

Elliott Simpson and Jarett Pichler, two intrepid young men from Toronto, ON began a journey home on May 1st – by bike, from St. John’s, Newfoundland, along the route of the Trans Canada Trail.

Elliott is 18 years old and will begin his post-secondary education at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland this September. Jarett, also 18, is an Engineering student at Carleton University in Ottawa and a bicycle savant.

They’re young, they’re strong, and they’re wildly enthusiastic about the outdoors, cycling, and the Trans Canada Trail.

“We decided to do this because we think the Trail is an amazing way to connect with nature and we want people our age to know what a great resource it is for exploring the outdoors”, says Simpson. “We’re sharing our adventure so people who haven’t used the Trail will be interested in checking it out, planning a vacation, just using it because it’s there for all of us to enjoy!”

In addition to traveling the Trail, Elliott and Jarett are raising funds to help connect it. Their fundraising goal of $10,000 is likely to be surpassed; as of today they have raised $7,500 – 3/4 of the total. One of the secrets of their success is the large fan base they have already garnered via social media and a website featuring stunning photos of their travels.

You can follow Elliott and Jarett’s trip on Facebook and Twitter. For more detailed information, including a route map and donation page, visit the Cycle Trans Canada website.



Elliott and Jarett at the TCT Pavilion in St. John's, NL