PCL Constructors Canada’s Employees Go the Distance

PCL Constructors Canada celebrated the connection of The Great Trail through a donation to the Trans Canada Trail Foundation, and with the support of its employees, virtually walked the entire length of the Trail.
Employees in its Toronto District took part in a health and wellness initiative that encouraged them to walk across The Great Trail in recognition of Canada 150 and so, over a 16-day period, 126 PCLers on 24 teams tracked almost 24,000 kilometres, which equates to walking the entire length of The Great Trail.
“Building a strong and resilient foundation is key to maintaining a healthy workforce,” said Mike Wieninger, senior vice president and district manager at PCL Toronto. “Our WellPCL program empowers employees to achieve personal wellness and healthy lifestyle goals to ensure we hire, develop and retain the best talent in the construction industry.”
Overview of PCL employees’ virtual walk across The Great Trail:
• Total kilometres walked: 23,600 – equates to nearly 29 million steps
• Average steps per person: 236,694
• Average km per person: 179
• Average daily steps per person: 8,453
• Average daily km per person: 6.4