Let’s celebrate an Earth Day like no other

Earth Day in 2020 was always going to be something to remember. As we start to celebrate the 50th anniversary of this environment-focused annual event, we now realize it’s an Earth Day unlike any other.
As a result of lockdowns imposed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen smog clear from congested cities and even animals starting to roam more confidently in their natural habitats. These positive impacts help us find light in the darkness, and show us Earth’s incredible ability to heal itself.
However, the potentially huge increases in medical waste, single-use plastics and delivery packages remind us that the climate crisis is far from over.
Even though we are still at home, we must remember the role we can play to help continue this trend during the pandemic and in its aftermath. We still need to take every step we can to protect our planet, as well as everyone and everything that lives on it.
What can I do?
This week, we invite you to showcase your environmentally friendly activities to the world in our Earth Day Photo Challenge!
You could be adding to your garden – or starting one for the first time! You could upcycle an old or neglected piece of furniture into something useful and beautiful. You could even do something as simple as switching inefficient light bulbs with LED or CFL ones. Or, you could spruce up your local section of The Great Trail by picking up any litter you find on your walk!
Whatever you decide to do this Earth Day, we’d like to hear about it! Share your photos on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and tag @TheGreatTrail.