Manitoba Announces Vital Investments in Provincial Park Trails

Manitoba Municipal Relations Minister Rochelle Squires and Conservation and Climate Minister Sarah Guillemard announced that the government is investing up to $500,000 to support the development of trails in provincial parks.
Trans Canada Trail (TCT) President & CEO Eleanor McMahon expressed gratitude to the Manitoba government, and the people of Manitoba, for their commitment and their support of the work of Trans Canada Trail and Trails Manitoba in the development and maintenance of a provincial trail network. She also thanked TCT’s trail partners and volunteers.
“This is a significant announcement for The Great Trail in Manitoba, and an important recognition of the work of our valued provincial partner, Trails Manitoba. We thank the Ministers and the government of Manitoba for this gift which enhances our shared vision of a strengthened national Trail,” said Eleanor McMahon.
“It is particularly good news at a time when so many Manitobans, and indeed Canadians, are finding comfort in having safe access to outdoor spaces. Trails enhance our health and well being, especially now. They are also a vehicle for economic development through tourism as well local job creation through infrastructure development As such, trails are poised to play a critical role in Canada’s social and economic recovery,” she added.
Over the past two years, TCT has provided financial support to several trail projects in Manitoba, and will continue to do so. This pledge will facilitate the completion of ongoing and upcoming trail projects.
“Our partnership with Trails Manitoba has advanced the development of trails and greenways across the province, enhancing the quality of life of Manitobans. Our joint efforts have been successful in advancing our work with government as well, laying the groundwork for continued investment,” Ms. McMahon continued.
TCT will continue to work closely with Trails Manitoba to advocate for greenway development in Manitoba, empower our dedicated local Trail groups, and encourage communities to use the Trail as a conduit to active lifestyles and sustainable transportation.