National Volunteer Week 2015: A message from TCT’s President & CEO, Deborah Apps

Deborah Apps, president & CEO of the Trans Canada Trail
As National Volunteer Week draws to a close, I want to express my gratitude to all the TCT volunteers who have worked so hard to develop and steward Trail sections across the country.
This year, the TCT was delighted to be able to profile some of our dedicated Trail volunteers in a series of videos, which we shared with media, on our website and on social media. We hope that you enjoyed them and will also share with your networks. Click here to watch our video series.
The Trans Canada Trail is currently 75 per cent connected and boasts over 17,000 kilometres of multi-purpose Trail across urban, rural and wilderness landscapes–a heroic accomplishment that would not have been possible without the dedication of our volunteers.
And it will be thanks to them that we bridge the remaining Trail gaps and reach full connection by 2017, the 150th anniversary of Confederation.
On behalf of the TCT, I would like to thank our TCT volunteers for their efforts, and in 2017, I look forward to celebrating their achievement and our country, on a Trail that connects Canadians from coast to coast to coast at human speed!