New section of Border to Beaches Trail opens

Credit: Maureen Barchyn
When Trails Manitoba’s Border to Beaches project is complete in 2015, it will link Manitoba’s border with Ontario to the beaches of Lake Winnipeg in Grand Beach Provincial Park, via 370 kilometres of high-quality Trail.
On August 31, the newest 13-kilometre section of this Trail project, located in the South Whiteshell area, was officially opened to the public.
At Falcon Lake, the South Shore Trail section of the Border to Beaches Trail is designed for hiking, cycling, and horseback riding, as well as cross-country skiing and snowshoeing in the winter months, offering scenic views through beautiful forest.
Trails Manitoba representatives describe the opening of this latest section as a significant milestone for the Border to Beaches Trail, one that will benefit Manitobans by encouraging active transportation and healthy living, and by stimulating the local economy.
The TCT has provided $950,000 towards the Border to Beaches initiative.
“The Trans Canada Trail is delighted to have been able to support Trails Manitoba in the development of this project, which will not only enhance the lives of local residents living in the South Whiteshell area,” said Deborah Apps, president & CEO of Trans Canada Trail, “but will also bring us closer to our goal of connecting our national Trail and Canadians by 2017, the 150th anniversary of Confederation.”
Manitoba’s portion of the TCT is currently 92 per cent connected. It will stretch nearly 1,400 kilometres by 2017, linking several communities, natural regions and provincial parks.