New Trans Canada Trail Board Chair

Jim Bishop of Vancouver, BC is Trans Canada Trail’s new Board Chair.
A chartered accountant and a management consultant, Jim is a recognized trail leader, having served on TCT’s Board, executive, and finance and trail committees and been active in BC trail developments, such as the Sea to Sky Trail, for many years.
“We are delighted that Jim has agreed to assume the role of board chair at this important time in the Trail’s history,” says Deborah Apps, President and CEO. “Jim’s business background and his passion for the Trail will help us move forward with ambitious plans to complete the Trail by 2017, for Canada’s 150th anniversary celebration.”
An avid cyclist, as well as a track and triathlon athlete and coach, Jim is an enthusiastic trail user. He is committed to see first-hand what it will take to connect the Trail by 2017 and to make it one of the world’s preeminent long-distance recreational trails. Immediately following his appointment as chair at the TCT’s AGM in October, Jim and his wife Sharon set out on a tour of NB, NS and PEI, cycling a variety of trail sections in each of the provinces. He has already cycled extensively in BC and Quebec and plans to experience trails in Saskatchewan and Manitoba next year.
“The Trans Canada Trail is a tremendous national asset, with diverse trail sections in every province and territory, reflecting Canada’s diverse geography. We must ensure all Canadians – and international visitors – know about the Trail and use it,” he said. Marketing and promotion of the Trail are high on the list of Jim’s priorities. He is committed to see TCT work closely with community partners, local trail groups, tourism agencies and all levels of government on national and local initiatives that promote the Trail as valued recreational resource, a focal point for community activities and events, and a legacy for Canadians today and generations to come.
Jim replaces Valerie Pringle who held the position since 2005.