26 August, 2008

Olsa Jane Holt (Pam) Dunn — 1924 – 2008

The Trans Canada Trail is sad to report the passing of long-time Trail supporter, Pam Dunn.

Philanthropist. Wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Passionate Canadian and proud Quebecker. Professional volunteer. Equestrian, hiker, swimmer, runner. Role model. This elegant, energetic woman wore many hats throughout a life marked by commitment, tenacity, and compassion.

Born in Montreal in 1924, Pam Dunn’s unshakeable belief in “doing her bit to help” led her to become a tireless supporter of numerous charities in the health, education, community services, and conservation sectors. A strong presence in the boardroom as well as on the ground, she was always engaged and compassionate.

Pam had a strong commitment to environmental preservation and a great love of the outdoors. The Trans Canada Trail is proud to acknowledge Pam and Tim Dunn’s generous support over the past 10 years.