One of the “greatest hikes in Canada” is getting even better

From left to right: Saskatoon Mayor Donald Atchison; Lee Knafelc, PotashCorp VP of Human Resources; Meewasin CEO Lloyd Isaak; Campaign co-chairs Darlene Bessey and Ken Pontikes; TCT President & CEO Deborah Apps; Meewasin Board Chair Jack Vicq.. Photo: Josh Schaefer.
The Meewasin Valley Trail, named one of the “Top 10 Greatest Hikes In Canada” by Readers Digest, is getting better and longer.
Trans Canada Trail and PotashCorp were delighted to announce significant funding towards expanding this trail system on Oct. 17, during a sod-turning ceremony to officially launch the construction of a new segment of the Trail.
Trans Canada Trail will be contributing up to $1.6 million and Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. has committed $500,000 towards Meewasin’s $8-million fundraising campaign.
“The Meewasin Trans Canada Trail is a stunning example of how a recreational trail can make a profound and lasting impact on the well-being of a community,” says Deborah Apps, president & CEO of Trans Canada Trail. “We at TCT are so proud to continue our support for a trail project that gives the people of Saskatoon and area a treasured place to enjoy their favourite outdoor activity and the natural beauty of their city.”
Saskatoon’s Meewasin Valley project has been an outstanding success in cultural and natural conservation for more than 30 years and now comprises more than 65 square kilometres of parks, including more than 13 kilometres of operational Trans Canada Trail and another 25 kilometres of proposed Trans Canada Trail.
In 2012, Readers Digest called the Meewasin Valley Trail one of the Top 10 Greatest Hikes In Canada and, this fall, National Geographic named it in its Canada’s 50 Places of a Lifetime feature.
“We strive to make a positive difference in the communities where we operate. Two of our priority areas for community investment are community building and health and wellness,” said Lee Knafelc, PotashCorp’s VP, Human Resources & Administration. “The Meewasin Valley Trail is an important natural resource of the South Saskatchewan River Valley that contributes to the physical fitness of Saskatchewan’s people and the enjoyment of our community while raising awareness of our environment. We are proud to support its development.”
Since 1992, TCT has invested $1.5 million in Saskatchewan and more than 500 kilometres of Trail have been developed. The Trail is 33.7 per cent connected in the province; almost 1,000 kilometres of Trail must be built to achieve full connection.