6 October, 2015

TCT welcomes Scotiabank to Chapter 150 Campaign

Mary Dable Arab, Scotiabank’s District Vice President, Northeast Nova Scotia (second from left), is presented with a Chapter 150 walking stick by the TCT’s President & CEO, Deborah Apps (second from right), and Valerie Pringle (left) and Hartley Richardson (right), Co-Chairs of the TCT Chapter 150 Campaign. Photo: Chris Reardon.



On July 11, 2015, the TCT Campaign warmly welcomed Scotiabank as a new Chapter 150 member, at an oceanfront reception in Nova Scotia.

Nearly 60 guests were shuttled by boat to Big Gooseberry Island, on the province’s Atlantic coast, for a relaxed, outdoor gathering co-hosted by Megan Porter, a TCT Leadership Donor, and John Risley, a TCT Leadership Donor and member of the TCT Chapter 150 Campaign Cabinet.

In this spectacular setting, Valerie Pringle and Hartley Richardson, Co-Chairs of the TCT Chapter 150 Campaign, proudly announced Scotiabank’s commitment of $500,000 to support Trail projects in Atlantic Canada and presented a Chapter 150 walking stick to Mary Dable Arab, Scotiabank’s District Vice-President, North East Nova Scotia.

With their Chapter 150 gift, Scotiabank will help develop several Trail projects in southeastern New Brunswick—Scotiabank’s support will essentially connect the Trail from Dieppe to Sackville, and on to Cape Jourimain, where the Confederation Bridge links New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island.

This portion of the Trail includes sections that are very well used by local residents and visitors, such as a popular walking/cycling path along the Petitcodiac River in historic Dieppe.

The TCT is proud to recognize Scotiabank’s commitment to developing the Trans Canada Trail in the Maritimes, a critical part of our goal to fully connect the world’s longest and grandest recreational Trail by 2017, Canada’s 150th birthday.

Special thanks to John Risley for his hospitality, to Megan Porter for co-hosting the event, to TCT board member Carolyn MacKay, Trail Patron Allan Shaw and his wife, Leslie Shaw, for their presence, and to David Hoffman, TCT Chapter 150 Campaign Cabinet and Chair of the Atlantic Region Fundraising Committee, and volunteers Colin Deacon, David Regan and Ed Steeves, for ensuring an enjoyable afternoon was had by all.

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