Teck Donates $ 1 million for improvement projects for The Great Trail in the Kootenays

A new funding program for improvements to The Great Trail in the Kootenays is now open for applications, thanks to a $1 million donation from Teck Resources Limited (Teck).
The funding will support front-line Trail groups in the region as they make essential upgrades to their sections of The Great Trail. This latest donation from Teck follows a $1 million gift in 2012 to support the development of sections of The Great Trail linking together the communities of Trail, Cranbrook, Kimberley, Fernie, Sparwood and Elkford.

Don Lindsay, President and CEO, Teck, on the Chief Isadore Trail in B.C.
“The Great Trail connects communities across Canada, giving Canadians and visitors the opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty that makes our country so special,” said Don Lindsay, President and CEO, Teck.
“Teck and all of our employees are proud to support this new program to improve The Great Trail and ensure it will continue to be enjoyed for generations.”
After 25 years of tireless efforts, The Great Trail was connected across Canada in 2017. In British Columbia, The Great Trail measures over 3,400 kilometres and showcases the dramatic landscapes that are unique to the province.
Nevertheless, The Great Trail’s journey didn’t end once connection was achieved, and Trans Canada Trail (TCT) – the organization that oversees the development of The Great Trail – continues to fundraise for vital enhancement projects across the country. Converting existing roadways to greenways, making the Great Trail more accessible for people with disabilities and repairing damage caused by natural disasters are among the top priorities for improvement projects.
“Like all trails, The Great Trail needs care and maintenance in order to thrive,” said Trisha Kaplan, TCT’s Trail Development Manager, Western and Northern Canada.
“We are thrilled that Teck has chosen to support front-line Trail groups in the Kootenays with their generous gift, and we look forward to working with them to improve The Great Trail for all users.”
To be considered for funding, proposals must be for projects on sections of The Great Trail between Castlegar and Elkford, British Columbia.
Applications will be assessed on an ongoing basis until all funds have been distributed. To find out more about how to apply, contact Trisha Kaplan at tkaplan@tctrail.ca.