The Trail welcomes spring – and an innovative maintenance program – in Manitoba

Our very own Jane Murphy, National Director of Trail, visited the settlement of Otterburne, 50 kilometres south of Winnipeg, to ring in spring with the Manitoba Recreational Trails Association, as it held its Annual General Meeting and Spring Workshop during the weekend of April 21-22.
With thoughts of spring cleaning, trail maintenance was an important topic. The MRTA took the time to distribute the $6,750 in maintenance grants to registered Trans Canada Trail groups, as well as commit to partnering with the Crow Wing Trail Association on an innovative maintenance program.
At 191 kilometres, the Crow Wing Trail is the longest section of the Trail in Manitoba and connects Emerson, on the American boarder, to Winnipeg, exactly due north.
The Crow Wing Trail Association’s maintenance program proposes to identify the costs of maintaining a well groomed hiking and cycling trail.
Dana Meise, he of “the Great Hike” across Canada fame, was also in attendance and kicked off his 2012 hiking season in Winnipeg with a discussion where he shared his experience and vision of the Trail with the 35 guests in attendance.
Dana Meise (the Great Hike), Ruth Marr (TCT board), David King (MRTA president), and Jane Murphy (TCT) prepare to enjoy a cake celebrating the Trans Canada Trail's 20th anniversary. Photo: Ian Hughes, MRTA