Tom Jackson talks Trail in snowy Alberta

“You don’t have to change the whole world, you just have to change your world, and the rest will follow.”
– Tom Jackson, quote featured on his website:
Beloved Canadian actor, singer, producer, and activist Tom Jackson is the latest Canadian personality to join TCT’s growing list of national Champions.
Jackson had some inspiring words to say about the Trail during the filming of TCT’s newest public-service announcement in stunning and snow-covered Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park in Alberta on November 9.
Jackson graciously found the time in his hectic schedule to join TCT President & CEO Deborah Apps and Shaw Communications film crew, when all hands braved the cold winds and blustering snow so that he could personally attest to the benefits and importance of the TCT.
During filming, Jackson good-naturedly quipped about Canadian weather while emphasizing the importance of connecting our national Trail by the 150th anniversary of Confederation in 2017.
“Our national TCT Champions are a vital part of the Trail’s support system, which includes all levels of government, community partners, and generous donors,” said Deborah Apps. “Champions lend their voice and influence in order to support the full connection of the TCT by 2017, our country’s 150th birthday.”
For a full list of the TCT’s national Champions, visit
Stay tuned to see the final product!