19 June, 2008

International Trails Day in Summerside, PEI

On Saturday June 7th 2008, Grace Blackette, Program Coordinator with Island Trails, organized a cycling event in PEI’s second city of Summerside. Many cyclists entered the Confederation Trail, the island’s 350 km section of the Trans Canada Trail, in downtown Summerside and rode to the scenic Acadian village of Wellington in the western end of the province.

The group is proud to report that two eighty-year-old participants, Phyllis MacDonald and Robert Acorn, led the ride and that both are avid participants in the popular Island Trails cycling series.

All are welcome to participate in the Island Trails recreational rides; cyclists will be driven back to the starting point. All events are accompanied by volunteer Trail Officers and are held on either Wednesday evenings or Saturday or Sunday mornings. Be sure to check the calendar as there are many events to choose from. You may also contact Grace at 902-583-2412.

This coming Saturday, June 21st, features a ride from Farmers Market in Milton to Hunter River. Start time is 10:00 am. Happy Trails!

Island Trails is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development, maintenance, and promotion of Prince Edward Island’s extensive network of trails. In the year 2000 PEI became the first province in Canada to complete its section of the Trans Canada Trail, known in the province as the Confederation Trail. Visit Island Trails to find out more about this scenic 400-km trail network on the “gentle Island”.

Our thanks to Grace Blackette for this report.[:]