Brenden Blotnicky
In his wide-ranging role as Manager, Trail Development & Volunteers, Brenden works with local Trail groups on their applications to incorporate their Trail sections into the Trans Canada Trail network. He also identifies opportunities to expand active transportation corridors along the Trail through realignment and construction projects. Additionally, Brenden is responsible for the budgets associated with Trans Canada Trail’s active transportation, maintenance and volunteer initiative programs.
A lifelong Nova Scotian, Brenden earned a science degree at St. Mary’s University, and a master’s degree in Resource and Environmental Management at Dalhousie University. He and his wife and their daughter live with Rupert (their cat) and Beasley (their springer spaniel) in Cole Harbour, close to the Forest Hills Trail. Brenden and Beasley are avid runners, and they can be found many mornings on the Gaetz Brook Greenway, Atlantic View Trail or Salt Marsh/Shearwater Flyer sections of the Trans Canada Trail, watching the sun rise across the saltwater horizon as they run toward it.