Joseph Young
As Analyst of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Joe Young supports the integration of open data sources to Trans Canada Trail’s GIS products, particularly its comprehensive web map, which provides detailed information about the Trail from coast to coast to coast. He also works to streamline Trans Canada Trail’s data management processes.
Joe brings a range of experiences to the team, including roles as a resource conservation technician at Kejimkujik National Park, and as a data specialist on software development teams. He holds an Environmental Science degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from Concordia University.
An avid cyclist, Joe became a passionate advocate for active transportation after studying climate change at the University of Copenhagen and experiencing the city’s great bicycle infrastructure and culture. He enjoys the Capital Pathway section of the Trans Canada Trail near his home in Ottawa, and his favourite section of the Trail is Le P’tit Train du Nord in Quebec, where he can explore the beautiful landscapes and villages of Les Laurentides by bike.