Planting for Tomorrow Program Guidelines


The Planting for Tomorrow Program (PTP) provides funding for tree-planting, invasive species removal, seed collection and seed starting projects that contribute to nature-based solutions to improve ecosystems, enhance biodiversity and engage the local community in volunteerism and participation.

For tree-planting projects, eligibility is determined by a project commitment to plant native trees and shrubs, and to report on the number of native trees planted, number of volunteers participating, and a mapped boundary of the actual land area planted.

In general, to be eligible, the group or organization must be authorized to undertake planting on the planned project site(s); the planting project must not be required under law or regulation or as a condition of any permit or permission; and the planting project will result in permanent additions to the tree canopy and will be maintained by the group for a minimum of two years.

Eligibility criteria

All applications must meet the following eligibility requirements:  

  • The planting site(s) must be in Canada.
  • Planting permission and valid insurance must be in place to undertake the project.
  • The planting project must result in permanent additions to the tree canopy. This means that there must be no plan to log the site and trees in the future.
  • Applications submitted must meet all applicable standards, codes, bylaws and regulations pertinent to the project and region.
  • The applicant must submit the Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization form and a void cheque with their application.
  • Planting projects that are required under law or regulation or as a condition of any permit or permission are not eligible for funding.
  • The planting project aligns with the activities listed in the section “Eligible expenses”.
  • The applicant must be committed to maintaining and monitoring the trees.
  • The applicant must submit a Year-End Planting Report one week following the end of the project, as well as a Final Report one year after the planting date.
  • The applicant must acknowledge financial support from Trans Canada Trail in any promotional materials produced.
  • Applicants must be in good standing with Trans Canada Trail.

Financial support  

Projects may be supported up to 50% of the eligible cost. The applicant portion of the project is: 25% in kind and 25% cash matching funds.

We aim to reply to groups within 3 months of receipt of a completed application. During the evaluation of applications, Trans Canada Trail may contact groups for additional or missing information. If your project is approved for funding, you will receive a confirmation letter, followed by an electronic funds transfer (EFT) payment within 10-12 weeks. Acceptance of these funds engages groups in an agreement with Trans Canada Trail to complete the activity, submit the required reports and adhere to the program guidelines.

The funding payment schedule for this program is:

  • 90% upon project approval
  • 10% following approval of the Year-End Planting Report

Eligible expenses 

  • Native trees and shrubs, including fruit- and nut-bearing trees (ratio of 85% trees: 15% shrubs)
  • If purchased along with trees and shrubs: other native plants
  • Other costs associated with planting, including:
    • delivery cost and installation 
    • site preparation, grading, invasive species removal
    • soil, compost, mulch, stem tubes
    • watering equipment, tree fencing, planting tools
    • cost of watering
  • Seed collection and seed starting projects
  • Educational materials and signage
  • Volunteer training
  • Tree-planting event support
  • Invasive species management
  • Research and planning


1. A Year-End Planting Report detailing the project activities must be submitted to Trans Canada Trail no later than one week following the end of the project. Failure to submit the report on time without prior notification may affect eligibility for any future Trans Canada Trail program funding. The report must be submitted using our online form and include the following information: 

  • Summary of project completed
  • Planting start and end dates
  • Whether the project goals were achieved as noted in original application
  • What site preparation activities were completed prior to planting, if applicable
  • For each planting site:
    • Site name(s), Latin species names, final planting site boundary provided as a KML or map file, and total number of each species planted on each site.
    • List of other native plant species planted at the same time as the trees (if applicable)
  • Confirmation that the trees are a permanent addition to the tree canopy
  • Project cost to date (recipient in kind and cash)
  • Proof of grant acknowledgment, if applicable
  • A 2-year maintenance plan for watering and monitoring newly planted trees to maximize survival rates, including contact names and phone numbers of those responsible
  • Total number of volunteers and total number of volunteer hours
  • A description of how funds were used to build volunteerism in the community (if applicable), and contact information of involved community volunteer groups
  • Plans for future years’ plantings, if applicable
  • A minimum of three (3) photographs, including:
    • Person(s) taking part in the activity while it is happening
    • The planting site(s) before planting has taken place
    • The planting site(s) after planting has taken place

Note: All content submitted, including from any authorized third parties (stories, photos, videos, reports, etc.) may be used in and or for promotional Trans Canada Trail materials, without payment or any other consideration, in perpetuity. 

2. A Final Report, due one year after planting, must include the following information: 

  • Status of the planted trees/seedlings
  • Approximate survival percentage of planted trees/seedlings
  • Best practices learned for future tree planting projects
  • Total project cost (recipient in kind and cash)

Promotion and acknowledgement

As funding recipients, all groups are required to publicly acknowledge Trans Canada Trail’s contributions. To support this, Trans Canada Trail will provide a promotional toolkit to all grant recipients. The toolkit will provide guidance on how to acknowledge Trans Canada Trail’s funding and planting-related community activities across various channels and platforms.

Volunteer engagement

We ask that all recipients who are funded for activities through this program reach out to local community members to engage them as volunteers in the tree-planting efforts.


Contact information

If you have any questions about the Trans Canada Trail or these guidelines, please send an email to