A safe crossing at Hanson’s Creek

The Centennial Trail is a hiking trail in Whiteshell Provincial Park, ideal for experienced day-hikers. Almost 36 kilometres long, following granite ridges and deep boggy areas, this section of The Great Trail of Canada offers a true taste of Canadian wilderness.
However, high water season made it difficult to cross Hanson’s Creek, limiting full access to this portion of the Trail and its wonderful landscape. With the combined efforts of Trails Manitoba, Pier Solutions and the financial support of Trans Canada Trail, a refurbished wooden bridge from King’s Park (Winnipeg) was relocated to Hanson’s Creek… by helicopter!
During the winter, the bridge’s rails and girders were meticulously dismantled and shipped to the remote site at Hanson’s Creek, which was simultaneously being prepped for its transformation. The bridge was then flown in by helicopter, and final assembly was done on site.
In the spring, the final touches were added – painted bright red and sporting The Great Trail signage, this relocated and refurbished bridge has not only been given a second lease on life, it also provides a safe crossing over the creek.
Such a successful project, this same process will be used this winter to relocate the second (and final) refurbished wooden King’s Park bridge to Cabin Lake.
“I paddled down the creek and was presented with beautiful weather to see the bridge,” states Tim Coffin, Executive Director at Trails Manitoba. “Pier Solutions did a fantastic job on refurbishing it and installing it. The bridge is absolutely beautiful, and truly stands out against the backdrop of green; I’m looking forward to seeing what Cabin Lake will look like!”
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