Five Ways to Celebrate International Trails Day

On June 5, show your love for local trails!
From urban centres to rugged rainforest, Canadians are surrounded by trails of all types. Our pandemic-era lifestyle has brought outdoor exploration and activity to the forefront more than ever before. People are flocking to their local trails for physical, emotional and mental health, to safely see loved ones, to see something other than the inside of their houses – you name it, you can probably do it on a trail.
No matter where you find yourself in our great country, you can still get outside and celebrate International Trails Day on June 5 safely and responsibly. Here are five suggestions to celebrate where it counts: on the Trail!
1. Explore a new trail
Stay close to home and seek out adventure in your own backyard along the Trans Canada Trail. Our Trail map will help you choose the best options in your region, from a slow stroll or cycle with the kids to a day-long hike skyward. Before you head out, remember to always check local trail conditions and respect public health guidelines in your area.
2. Volunteer with Trans Canada Trail
Are you an avid Trail user? In celebration of International Trails Day, consider volunteering your time to improve your local Trail section. Contact your local trail association to see what needs doing. Chances are good that there will be a task that’s right up your alley and appropriate for your experience level. Bring the kids and teach them how to give back, or at least keep them busy while you pitch in!
3. Enjoy an outdoor visit with a loved one
Exploring a new Trail section – or revisiting your fave – is a great way to get outside with a friend or family member and spend some quality time together, safely and responsibly. Chat, hike, snack, bring the dog: have fun and enjoy the Trail!
4. Donate to the Trail
Mark International Trails Day by donating to Trans Canada Trail. As a charity that depends on people like you who love the Trail and want to see it thrive, your donations go a long way to ensuring a connected and well-maintained Trail for generations to come.
5. Share our #OdeToTheTrail
We are many: many journeys, landscapes, seasons, cultures and individuals. The Trans Canada Trail not only serves as a physical connection across Canada, from coast to coast to coast, it also connects us to one another. We love our Trail, and we know you do too, which is why we’ve created an Ode to the Trail, featuring everyday users who stay active and gain inspiration from being outside on the Trail, because this ode is for you! Share the Ode to the Trail on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and use the hashtag #OdeToTheTrail to be automatically entered for a chance to win one of five #OdeToTheTrail prize packs!