Important repairs to a treasured Alberta Trail section

Last year, we supported local volunteers along the Kananaskis Country Trail in Alberta as they carried out essential repairs to a Trail section in their area.
Thanks to your generous support, TCT was able to step in and provide funding to fix issues associated with trail use and natural wear and tear.
The first set of major repairs started with tread rehabilitation by fixing areas with loose rock, protruding roots or ineffective draining on part of the Boundary Ridge section. After that, volunteers worked together to widen the junction between the Iron Creek and Boundary Ridge sections to improve safety. These enhancements are crucial to ensuring the Trail’s long-term sustainability, while repairing areas prone to erosion or damage.
“The ongoing support of TCT on projects like this one allows us to keep the trails at a high level of quality and sustainable for the long term,” says Alf Skrastins of the Greater Bragg Creek Trail Association, the volunteer group that applied for funding. “It’s always best to address problem sites in their early stages.”
With your continued support, TCT looks forward to working with more Trail groups as they repair damage on their sections of The Great Trail. Discover how you can help by visit our Give page.