Signage 101: Trailheads and interpretive panels

What is a trailhead?
Large-scale sign structures usually located at the beginning point of a Trail section that provides Trail users with vital information: comprehensive maps, GPS location, emergency contact information, etc.
The following information should be included on trailheads for projects receiving a financial contribution from TCT. This information should also be included on any other important signage infrastructure (Trail regulations, maps, orientation placards, etc.)
- Recreational Trail | Sentier Récréatif
- Use at Own Risk | À utiliser à vos propres risques
- The Great Trail logo
- Symbols indicating usage permissions or restrictions (if any)
TCT staff will provide groups with The Great Trail – Branding Toolkit and Guidelines, which includes The Great Trail logo and guidelines for its use. Groups are required to submit a draft of the sign layout as TCT needs to approve sign art and TGT logo use prior to production.
The use of the official language(s) recognized by the province or territory of installation is mandatory on all Trailhead structures. It is strongly recommended to determine whether adding additional languages is necessary to meet the needs of local users. Groups are encouraged to consider signage with Indigenous land acknowledgment of traditional territory.
- TGT trailhead template
- Customized trailhead
What is an interpretive panel?
These signs are meant to enhance user experience by illustrating the cultural and natural heritage of different Trail sections. Using a tabletop pedestal design, interpretive panels often include maps, photos and/or illustrations to display the information for Trail users.
Interpretive panels are installed to improve the user experience, providing information on local culture, history and nature. The Great Trail logo should be included on all interpretive panels.
TCT staff will provide groups with The Great Trail – Branding Toolkit and Guidelines, which includes The Great Trail logo and guidelines for its use. Groups are required to submit a draft of the sign layout as TCT needs to approve sign art and TGT logo use prior to production.
The use of the official language(s) recognized by the province or territory of the installation is mandatory on all interpretive panels. It is strongly recommended to determine if adding additional languages is necessary to meet the needs of local users. Groups are encouraged to consider signage with Indigenous land acknowledgment of traditional territory.
- Interpretive panel template
- Customized interpretive panel
How do I get financial support for trailheads and interpretive panel signs?
Project proposals must be submitted through the Capital Improvement Plan online form. If you have any questions please see the Signage guidelines for further details and our contact info. We are always happy to talk about signage on The Great Trail.