Signage 101: Wayfinding signs and directional arrows
What’s the difference?
Wayfinding signs are meant to guide and inform users that they are on section of The Great Trail as designated and recognized by Trans Canada Trail.
Directional arrow signs are used in conjunction with Wayfinders at Trail decision points, this type of signage indicates the correct route for users to take while travelling along The Great Trail.
TCT’s sign location/wayfinding recommendations are simple and straightforward, and will ensure consistency along the entire Trail network.
Placement recommendations:
- Signs with The Great Trail logo should be installed facing each direction of travel at every decision point.
- Decision points include trail intersections, railway crossings, bridge crossings and significant changes in direction.
- A minimum of two signs should be posted at every decision point, one for each direction of travel.
- Signs with The Great Trail logo should be installed facing each direction of travel at intervals of no more than one kilometre.
- Trail partners are encouraged to post signs with The Great Trail logo alongside, below or above any existing kilometres markers. If there are no markers present, groups are encouraged to place TGT signs in lieu of kilometer markers.
- TGT directional arrows should be installed below TGT signs to indicate the direction of The Great Trail, except when The Great Trail route proceeds in the same direction.
- Where possible, sidewalks and shared-use urban road routes should be signed in the same manner.
- Due to the varied nature of TGT routes across Canada, there are exceptions when it comes to: Road cycling routes, water routes and Trail sections in remote areas.
Trail partners interested in designing a customized signage system are encouraged wot work with TCT staff to develop a suitable alternative signage plan. TCT’s Signage Manager is available to provide technical assistance and consult with provincial or territorial government authorities in designing customized signage on roadways.
Sign options
Standard and bilingual signs: Our standard and bilingual wayfinding signs and directional arrows can be ordered year-round and are provided FREE OF CHARGE! These signs are highly durable, guaranteed not to fade for at least 10 years and are graffiti-resistant, making them easy to clean, if necessary.
Co-branded signs: TCT provides funding for co-branded signs at a rate of 50% of the total cost. Co-branded signs provide municipalities and local trail groups the opportunity to have a simplified wayfinding signage, which includes both a local logo and The Great Trail logo. High resolution logo art must be provided to TCT for the production of all co-branded signs.
How do I order and/or obtain financial support?
All signage requests must be submitted to TCT by completing our online form and including supporting information as required. Please consult our full Signage guidelines before requesting via our online submission form here.