Flora, Fauna and Furry Friends Make for a Great Day on the Trail

If you ever need motivation to get out the door and make good on your self-declared goal of getting outside more… get a dog!
Sophie Jobin had heard about the Trans Canada Trail near her home in Nova Scotia and wanted to go out and see it for herself. However, she’d never really been an outdoor explorer so was unsure about being outside, alone, in areas she didn’t know.
She’s an avid gardener and spends lots of time outside in warmer weather but after being inside for months because of the colder weather and the pandemic, she decided to take action!
Enter: Gunner the Double Doodle (Goldendoodle & Labradoodle)

Sophie Jobin and Gunner the Double Doodle
Let’s go!
Gunner doesn’t care about non-sunny, non-warm weather. In fact, give him a day full of snow piles to barge through and he’s the happiest dog you’ve ever seen. Not to mention the possibilities that exist at the bottom of a muddy puddle!
“I wanted to explore more of Nova Scotia because there are many areas of my own province I’ve never seen,” says Sophie. “Gunner never says no to one of my outdoor excursion ideas! He loves having fun outside.”
She says that being on the Trans Canada Trail transports her out of city life very quickly, it’s like she’s in a different bubble where she can relax and take in the sights and sounds of nature.
Gunner “reminds me to slow down and take time to enjoy life.”
“I make a plan (and a backup plan) and we go. If it’s going to be sunny – great. If it’s going to snow – no problem. Foggy? We’ll deal with it. Before we go, I make sure I have all of the clothing, food and supplies we may need along the way. Safety, for both of us, is key,” shares Sophie.
She says that once they are out on a trail and it’s just them and nature all around, it’s all about being in the moment. They both notice when the birds are singing and squirrels are running along the ground.
“The Trans Canada Trail provides safe spots where I can explore and feel comfortable. I never realized there were so many beautiful places so close to my home!”
Their favourite things to do on the Trail?
Sophie says she loves arriving somewhere completely new and seeing it for the first time.
Gunner is a natural climber! He can never wait to run up on rocks, hills, and anything else he can find on the Trail.
Sharing their fun with everyone
Their lives have started to change in some interesting ways since they started having fun on the Trail together.
Sophie says she is more confident picking new places, planning for their outing, and being sure they have what they need to enjoy their day and return safely.
As for Gunner? Sophie says he’s becoming more confident too, now feeling at ease with different textures (water, wind) and noises (squirrels and other wildlife).
And she says Gunner’s becoming a better model – he even has his own Instagram account @gunner.thedoodle!
An extraordinary opportunity
“Every time I go out on the Trans Canada Trail, I’m in awe of the beauty that’s so close to my house! I think I took my province for granted, thinking that I had to travel to get amazing experiences but now I know they’re nearby too.
The Trans Canada Trail seems endless and is so well done. I feel safe and don’t have to go outside of my comfort zone.
It’s perfect for people of all skill levels, from beginner to expert. It’s an extraordinary opportunity for everyone and I hope they get out – with their furry friends – and make the most of it,” says Sophie.