29 August, 2024

Stunning Sunrises and Sunsets on the Trans Canada Trail

The Fairmount Express Hotel in Victoria, BC, basking in sunlight, showcasing its grand architecture against a clear sky. L'hôtel Fairmount Express de Victoria, en Colombie-Britannique, baigné de soleil, mettant en valeur sa grande architecture dans un ciel dégagé.

Whether you’re an early riser, welcoming the day in the wee hours of the morning, or you prefer to bask in the glow of stunning sunsets, spectacular scenery is waiting for you on the Trans Canada Trail!

Dartmouth Harbourfront Trail

A boat glides along the river, showcasing the scenic Dartmouth Harbourfront Trail in the background. Un bateau glisse le long de la rivière, mettant en valeur le pittoresque sentier du port de Dartmouth en arrière-plan.

Watching the sun rise on the Dartmouth Harbourfront Trail section of the Trans Canada Trail in Nova Scotia.

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Confederation Trail

Two cyclists ride along the Confederation Trail beside a serene lake, enjoying a picturesque outdoor experience. Deux cyclistes parcourent le sentier de la Confédération au bord d'un lac serein, profitant d'une expérience de plein air pittoresque.

Water, flowers, trees, a wide-open sky and friends to cycle with make for a perfect day on the Confederation Trail section of the Trans Canada Trail in Prince Edward Island.

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East Coast Trail

A cliffside lighthouse offers a breathtaking ocean view, situated on the picturesque East Coast Trail. Un phare à flanc de falaise offre une vue imprenable sur l'océan, situé sur le pittoresque sentier de la côte est.

Iconic landscapes like Cape Spear, NL on the East Coast Trail section of the Trans Canada Trail are a sight to behold!

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Meewasin-Wanuskewin Trail

On the beach of the Meewasin-Wanuskewin Trail, a bull statue stands, adding an artistic element to the natural surroundings. Sur la plage du sentier Meewasin-Wanuskewin, une statue de taureau se dresse, ajoutant un élément artistique à l'environnement naturel.

This sunburst highlights an incredible bison statue at the Wanuskewin Heritage Park on the Meewasin-Wanuskewin Trail section of the Trans Canada Trail near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

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City of Victoria Trail

The Fairmount Express Hotel in Victoria, BC, basking in sunlight, showcasing its grand architecture against a clear sky. L'hôtel Fairmount Express de Victoria, en Colombie-Britannique, baigné de soleil, mettant en valeur sa grande architecture dans un ciel dégagé.

The inner harbour and the Empress Hotel are bathed in glowing sunlight on the City of Victoria Trail section of the Trans Canada Trail in British Columbia.

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A big thanks to our partners at Destination Canada for sharing photos of these incredible landscapes to see along the Trans Canada Trail!