Teck steps up again to support The Great Trail

In the lead-up to cross-Canada connection, Teck played a significant role in supporting The Great Trail in the places where its employees live, work and play. This year, the company has reaffirmed its commitment to ensuring the Trail remains a legacy, with a new $1 million gift for Trail projects in southeastern British Columbia.
The generous donation, announced in February 2019, has created a new funding program to support vital Trail enhancements in the Kootenays region of British Columbia, where the mining company has several operations.
Local Trail groups will be the drivers of the projects, which will help ensure local needs and priorities are front and centre in the efforts. These groups have had the opportunity to apply for funds to complete projects on sections of The Great Trail between Castlegar and Elkford.
The top priorities for projects funded through the program include converting existing roadways to greenways, making The Great Trail more accessible for people with disabilities, repairing damage caused by natural disasters and working with local Indigenous communities.
This year’s donation follows a separate $1 million gift in 2012, which supported the development of connecting Trail sections from Isadore Canyon to Wardner, from Nelson to Balfour Route, from Kimberley to Cranbrook, and then, connection through Cranbrook to Wardner. By supporting TCT with that initial donation, Teck played an instrumental role in connecting the province of British Columbia.
“The Great Trail connects communities across Canada, giving Canadians and visitors the opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty that makes our country so special,” says Don Lindsay, President and CEO, Teck.
“Teck and all of our employees are proud to support this new program to improve The Great Trail and ensure it will continue to be enjoyed for generations.”
“We are thrilled that Teck chose to support Trail groups in the Kootenays with their generous gift,” says Trisha Kaplan, TCT’s Trail Development Manager, Western and Northern Canada.
“We look forward to continuing to improve the Trail for all users, with their help.”
Trans Canada Trail is a not-for-profit organization. If you value our work, please consider supporting us by visiting our Give page.