Our National Trail Youth Employment Program Builds Skills and Benefits Communities

Participants in Trans Canada Trail’s National Trail Youth Employment program had experiences that were so rich in learning and accomplishment, they couldn’t wait to tell us all about it!

Hanna Ulmer
Hanna Ulmer
Youth employee, Meewasin Valley Authority
“I chose to work at Meewasin because I believe the work everyone does at the organization is extremely important, not only for the health of the land around us, but for the health of our city and the people who live here.
I am extremely passionate about the environment and conservation, and there is no better job I could have asked for to be outside all day, doing important work that benefits everyone.”
Abigail Mclellan
Chef de la patrouille, Le P’tit Train du Nord

Abigail Mclellan
“The P’tit Train Du Nord benefited from Trans Canada Trail’s National Trail Youth Employment Program. We were able to engage two students on a part-time basis as well as two full-time employees. Together these individuals patrolled at two of our major events, the first being a fundraiser for the local hospital where participants biked different distances along the trail all to raise money for the hospital. The second was the Marathon and Half Marathon of the P’tit Train Du Nord, where 6,000 participants raced over the two days.
In addition to these events, a lot of effort was put into client services with a focus on incorporating information about bike safety and how to share the trail with different users. The energy and enthusiasm of these young people brings a brightness to the trail thanks to the positive interactions they have with our users!”