Trail Care Event: Wakamow Valley Trail

Date: June 3, 2023

Trail clean-up and a community gathering on the Wakamow Valley Trail 

On June 3, 2023, approximately 15 volunteers, board members and a representative from the Mosiac Potash Company gathered on the Wakamow Valley Trail in the City of Moose Jaw to clean up the trail – picking up garbage and clearing debris – and to enjoy a barbecue. Earlier in the year, an annual park cleanup took place, and waste bins were installed on high-traffic areas on the trail system.

Kristen Gabora, Director, Trail Development and Volunteers with Trans Canada Trail, was present and spoke at the event.

A cherished asset in the community showcased through the Trail Care Grant

Wakamow Valley is a large urban park and is well-used park by residents of the surrounding neighbourhoods. Donna MacQuarrie-Bye of the Wakamow Valley Authority explains the impact of the Trail Care Grant: “For Wakamow Valley Authority, applying for grants and sharing the information with the community shows we care about maintenance and making improvements for the public and trail users. This, in turn, with increase participation in events like this over time.” This community connection has a positive impact on park users and volunteers.

A spiritual and emotional connection

Donna says, “I feel [the Trans Canada Trail] meets all the five need categories for living a good life. For patrons who use the Trans Canada Trail, it gives them a spiritual uplift, some find it’s an emotional connection to the natural surroundings, and others use it for physical activities or fitness, in addition to managing or improving a person’s mental health. Finally, participating in projects and volunteering provides a sense of purpose.”

A special event documented by drone!

Donna’s favourite part of the event was working with a great group of volunteers and the drone service. Rocketts Drone Service created an amazing video of the event – check it out here!


Donna MacQuarrie-Bye is General Manager of Wakamow Valley Authority in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. She has held that position for six months, after two years as a volunteer.