31 January, 2025

Fourth-Annual Wild Places, Wild Faces: A Year in Nature

Online fundraiser and photography presentation offers stunning imagery and inspiring stories – and supports Trans Canada Trail!

Photo credit: Trevor Haldane

On Tuesday, January 21, 2025, participants were treated to a unique journey: the fourth-annual Wild Places, Wild Faces: The Seasons online photography presentation and fundraiser in support of Trans Canada Trail. Father-son duo Scott and Trevor Haldane hosted the event, and presented their stunning photography, showcasing wildlife, landscapes and stories from across Canada. The theme of this year’s presentation was the four seasons. 

In addition to an online photography presentation, Scott and Trevor made select prints of their work available for purchase. 

Fundraising for Trans Canada Trail 

Photo credit: Scott Haldane

“As a nature-loving family living across the country from one another, we feel a strong connection with Trans Canada Trail’s mission to connect the country, celebrate nature and embrace the outdoors.” 

– Trevor and Scott Haldane 

Over the last several years, Scott and Trevor have raised thousands of dollars in support of Trans Canada Trail through the Wild Places, Wild Faces presentations. Nature photography is one of several great reasons for people to get out on the Trail, as they can benefit from time spent in the great outdoors and meet people along the way. Scott and Trevor’s breathtaking images and fun stories inspired nature lovers across the country to donate, and we are so appreciative of their support. These funds are vital, helping to keep the Trans Canada Trail open and accessible for all, year-round. 

Getting inspiration outside 

Wild Places, Wild Faces was born a few years ago, when Scott and Trevor Haldane discovered a shared passion for amateur wildlife photography and wanted to inspire others to enjoy the beauty of the Canadian outdoors. Although Scott and Trevor live thousands of kilometres apart, in Ontario and BC, respectively, the father and son duo both love to spend time outside, exploring their incredible natural surroundings. It’s there that they indulge in their love for nature photography – often along the Trans Canada Trail – and they’ve formed a stronger bond in the process. 

Catch up on Wild Places, Wild Faces 

Watch a recording of their inspiring presentation here. 

Support Trans Canada Trail and help keep it open and accessible for all.

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