Celebrating Exceptional Volunteers on the Trans Canada Trail, from Coast to Coast to Coast

From managing trail groups to maintaining and grooming trails and raising awareness about the benefits of being outside and on the Trail in their communities, the impact of volunteers on the Trans Canada Trail – and it’s safe to say, on the trail sector at large – cannot be overstated. That’s why we created a fund aimed at recognizing and celebrating exceptional volunteerism along the Trail. Here’s a look at some incredible volunteers – and their impact in communities across Canada.
Putting in hundreds of volunteer hours in Kananaskis, Alberta
The Friends of Kananaskis Cooperating Association nominated Derek Ryder to be recognized this year. Derek has served on their Board of Directors since 2012 and as Board Chair for nine years. Over the years, the group estimates that Derek has put in over 250 hours of volunteer trail work as trail crew leader, in addition to his time on the board. In light of Derek’s retirement this year after 14 years of service, the group wanted to honour his contributions and show their appreciation.
Derek describes his love for the Trail here: “The Trans Canada Trail through Kananaskis incorporates some of the incredibly scenic and iconic long-distance trails in the region, such as the High Rockies Trail. As a long-term Friends of Kananaskis volunteer, it thrills me to be in partnership with Trans Canada Trail, managing these Trail sections. Trails are how people experience the wonder of Kananaskis. My work on the Trail enables literally thousands of people to experience that wonder each year.”
Advocating for active transportation and building community in Nova Scotia
On June 1, International Trails Day, SATA Trails Society board members and community volunteers gathered along the Gaetz Brook Greenway to recognize three exceptional volunteers.
Patricia Richards was SATA’s first chairperson and original board member. Patricia has been a longtime volunteer in the area, advocating for active trail connections and raising awareness about the benefits of trails in the area. She was instrumental in the Gaetz Brook Greenway opening in 2019, and she continues to remain an active, vital member of the board today.
“The Trans Canada Trail is an important connection for our communities on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia. It gives the Gaetz Brook Greenway a way to be part of the Canadian trail experience. Volunteering to both help plan and build the Gaetz Brook Greenway was and continues to be an opportunity to give back to our communities on the Eastern Shore,” Patricia explains.
SATA Trails Society also recognized Cathy Turple and Kathy Hope, two longtime volunteers known for spreading cheer – and decoration! – along the Greenway and in the community. Jay Tofflemire, with SATA Trails Society, recounts: “The construction of the Gaetz Brook Greenway was completed in the fall of 2019. Then COVID and lockdowns hit. Well, to everyone’s surprise, during Christmas 2020, these four ladies took to decorating the Greenway for Christmas. The community was overjoyed. Then came St. Patrick’s Day and Easter 2021: more decoration. So many smiles, and the greenway became so popular. They continue to bring those smiles today.”
‘An amazing work ethic and a great sense of humour’
At the Chilliwack Outdoors Club annual barbecue, Heinz and Emilie were presented with a plaque and a gift certificate to a local restaurant from Trails BC and Chilliwack Outdoors Club. Over 60 members were present and joined in the celebration. Other longtime trail advocates, Léon Lebrun and Karl Richer, spoke at the event and showed their appreciation.
At over 80 years of age, Heinz and Emilie continue to participate in trail maintenance in remote areas, demonstrating their skills and experience in trail and bridge building. They are reliable, with an amazing work ethic and a great sense of humour,” says Jim Alkins with the Chilliwack Outdoors Club.
Heinz describes his and Emilie’s experiences here:
“Here we are, your two ‘antiques,’ Heinz and Emilie, super seniors way past ‘best before’ time, but still hankering to be out there in the forest, hacking, sawing and pruning away at the fresh annual spring growth on the Trans Canada Trail. […] Em and I are avid travellers, hikers, skiers and mountaineers SAC, CAC, BCMC, COC, etc., so it was natural for us to follow the call to give back a little. […]
“Early semi-retirement, and the completion of our final eighth year on the Parks Canada Wildlife monitoring program, left us more time to devote to Léon, Jim and their splendid crews, to work on the Chilliwack and Coquihalla Trans Canada Trail sections. Since my knees aren’t of the latest model, we have lately enjoyed the bridge building enterprises, especially Jim’s engineering feats. […] Thanks to all for putting up with us. We hope to remain part of the action, complete with all the sweat, laughter and good times.”
The Punter Award to recognize thirty years of service and counting
The East Coast Trail Association honoured longtime volunteer Ed Delaney at a potluck dinner reception. Ed has dedicated over 30 years of service to the East Coast Trail, beginning with a two-year stint on the Board of Directors, and continuing for 28 years as Trail Manager. He has served on seven committees and counting, and also serves as an outreach person and liaison with communities along the East Coast Trail. The organization dedicated the “Punter Award” to Ed, named in memory of his loyal Newfoundland dog.
Julia Pinney, Business Manager, East Coast Trail Assocation, describes Ed’s contribution to the organization: “Trust, respect, honesty and fairness have been an essential part of Ed’s daily interactions with his trail crew, staff and all volunteers. Ed has demonstrated his exceptional commitment to the Association over the past 30 years, as well as demonstrating his exemplary leadership, creativity, cooperation and hard work in his service to the Association, and his outstanding contribution has been the development and delivery of 336 kilometres along the East Coast Trail.”
The Trans Canada Trail 2024 Volunteer of the Year award recipients
• Derek Ryder, Friends of Kananaskis Cooperating Association
• Patricia Richards, Cathy Turple and Kathy Hope, SATA Trails Society
• Heinz and Emilie Berger, Chilliwack Outdoors Club and TrailsBC
• Ed Delaney, East Coast Trail Association
• “Sandy” Alexander, Avery Bain and Geoff MacDonald, Dynamite Trail Association
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