Celebrating the Seventh Annual Sudbury Camino Along the Trans Canada Trail!

On Saturday, August 17, participants in the famed Sudbury Camino set off along the Trans Canada Trail in Sudbury, Ontario, for a fun, self-paced walk in nature for all ages.
Organized by the Rainbow Routes Association, the Sudbury Camino is inspired by the famed Camino de Santiago in Spain and gives the Greater Sudbury community an opportunity to discover their urban hiking trails. At the same, time, it aims to celebrate the beauty of the Trans Canada Trail in the area.
A free community event for all ages
Participants set out at their own pace from Fielding Park, with distances ranging from 4 to 28 kilometres. The walk took participants through several scenic areas including Kelly Lake Trail, Junction Creek Waterway Park, Bell Park and Conservation Sudbury Trails, before concluding at Moonlight Beach.
Over 200 registrants participated, and nearly 5,000 kilometres were cumulatively hiked by participants!
The Camino Sudbury is offered at no cost to the community, thanks to generous sponsors and special partnerships, including a partnership with Trans Canada Trail.
Rainbow Routes Association extended a special thanks to their dedicated volunteers: “Thank you to all the volunteers who have helped us throughout the planning, and the day of, our Sudbury Camino event. With over 200 hours of time and dedication, each of you helped uplift spirits during the Sudbury Camino, making it a fun and memorable experience for everybody.”
About Rainbow Routes Association
Rainbow Routes Association is dedicated to Greater Sudbury’s urban transformation toward becoming a healthier and more vibrant place to live. As Greater Sudbury’s leading trail association since 1998, the RRA brings together people, ideas and resources to help develop and promote the urban hiking routes that run through the City of Greater Sudbury. Read more about Rainbow Routes Association’s activities and programming along the Trans Canada Trail.
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