#ISupportTCT Pledge: Volunteer Toolkit

The 44th General Election has begun, and Trans Canada Trail (TCT) is calling on Canadians to show their support for the Trans Canada Trail via our social media campaign. The federal election is the perfect time for all candidates and all federal political parties to see Canadians’ support for the Trail!
Support TCT on your social media account(s)
We are inviting you to share a message of personal support on social media that highlights the importance of the federal government renewing their support for Trans Canada Trail by using this hashtag: #ISupportTCT
The Candidate Pledge
We are calling on federal candidates from all political parties across Canada to take the #ISupportTCT pledge, calling for a renewal of Trans Canada Trail’s annual funding from the federal government through Parks Canada.
You can help by asking your local candidates to take the #ISupportTCT pledge. Here is a copy of the letter written to candidates from Trans Canada Trail.
Why support the Pledge?
Funding from the federal government allows Trans Canada Trail to support local trail groups and to work with partners to maintain the Trail from coast to coast to coast, enhancing our quality of life, our health and wellness, and creating local jobs through investments in infrastructure.
Since April 2018, the Trans Canada Trail Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) funding program has invested over $16.4 million toward 417 Trail projects across every province and territory, with a value of supported Trail projects exceeding $106 million. See a map of CIP-funded trail projects.
The Trans Canada Trail is crucial to enhancing the mental and physical health of our communities, conserving the environment, preserving greenspace and protecting habitats for local wildlife.
Trail use across Canada is up close to 50% according to national surveys commissioned by TCT in November 2020, with 95% of Canadians telling us that enhanced mental wellness prompted their increased use.
Our June 2020 survey confirmed that 75% of Canadians use trails on a regular basis.
We know that trails enhance our economy and are a vital tourism attraction that connects visitors to local businesses. Trails also enrich our understanding of Canada’s history, and in particular our understanding of the importance of relationships with Indigenous communities.
TCT is proud of our Indigenous partnerships and programs – they strengthen our work in communities across Canada.
How you can help
Take Action Now! On Monday, September 20, Canada votes and candidates from all parties are now going door to door and appearing at local events to meet people like you, in their communities.
In the event candidates come to your door or you meet them in the community, we would appreciate you assistance by sharing how important their support of the Trail is to you. Ask them to take the #ISupportTCT Pledge and to commit to supporting TCT’s annual funding request of $13 million from Parks Canada.
Here are some options for you to participate:
- Send an email to your local federal candidates by filling out the form below or refer to the template email here)
- Refer to the template social media posts for sharing here
- Talk to your federal candidates:
- Find your riding and list of candidates at Elections Canada
- Refer to key messaging here
- Send a press release to thank candidates in your riding who have taken the pledge
- Template press release here
For any questions regarding Trans Canada Trail contact us via email at OurTCT@tctrail.ca and we will respond promptly.
Thank you for your support – and thank you for joining the #ISupportTCT campaign!