Summer Fun – and Safety – on the Trail

The sun is out, the birds are singing and the urge to spend time outside is too strong to resist. Make the most of this summer by exploring your favourite sections of the Trans Canada Trail. Or, try out some new-to-you spots along the Trail for extra fun.
Since safety on the Trail is so important, keep these tips in mind as you plan your outings over the summer months.
Plan your route and check the weather
First things first: figure out where you want to go and then check the weather forecast for that date and time. With this information, you can make the decisions that are right for you and be well-prepared for your visit to the Trans Canada Trail. Our map provides information for each section of the Trail, including distances, elevation and permitted activities so you can plan a route that matches your needs.
Create a trip plan
Create a trip plan that includes information such as:
• Where you’re going (including start and end points)
• What time you’re leaving and when you’ll be back
• Who you’re going with (include what everyone is wearing and any medical conditions they may have)
• The route you’re going to take
• A summary of the supplies you’re bringing
Give your trip plan to a trusted contact before you head out. Our friends at AdventureSmart have created a trip plan tool (part of their Three Ts resource) that you can fill out online or through their app, available free of charge.
Bring food and water to fuel yourself
Fuelling yourself appropriately for the activity you’re planning is key! Think about healthy breakfast options to get you energized and ready to hit the Trail, any meals you may need along the way, snacks, and — most importantly — lots of water. Being well-hydrated is something your body will thank you for. And don’t be shy about quantities because if the outing runs longer than you anticipated, you’ll have enough fuel to keep going until you reach your destination.
Protect yourself
Add sunscreen, sunglasses, a hat and a first aid kit to your trail supplies to ensure you are protected from the elements and can deal with issues that may arise.
Have fun and stay safe on the Trail this summer!